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Goddess of the Moon, of Life, of MAGIC.


She is one of the Egyptians greatest Queens


She is a Healer, a protecter of Women and Children.


In one of my meditations, she came to me and showed me my wings. Now in meditations, as a reminder that she is always there, as a Sister, walking with me, she will often come and place her hand on the back of my heart. A reminder her love is always there, and a reminder of the power that lies within that space!


She is an alchemist, practicing the MAGIC of transformation.


This energy speaks to the Queen who holds witness to her power, as the lover, the alchemist, the Queen whose open heart wields Wisdom of the human extent of transformation, and evolution.




I walk with you.


  • Purple titanium quartz, gold titanium quartz, purple kunzite, rainbow aura quartz

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