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 Welcome, Beloved Sister, to a Sacred Journey of Awakening.


Deep within you lies the essence of the Magdalene—the divine feminine, powerful and ancient, calling you to remember who you are.


In this Masterclass, we will explore the sacred branches of the Magdalene lineage:


🌊 The Water Priestess (and Mermaid): You are the keeper of the sacred waters, a vessel of purification, healing, and flow. Like a mermaid, you dive deep into the emotional realms, guiding others through the waters of life with grace and wisdom.


🌍 The Earth Priestess: You are grounded in the earth’s energy, a guardian of nature’s secrets. You walk the path of the wise woman, connected to the rhythms of the land, nurturing life, and embodying the sacred balance of all living things.


🔥 The Erotic Temple Priestess: You are the embodiment of sacred sensuality and divine pleasure. In the temple, you ignite the flame of passion, inviting others to embrace their erotic power and celebrate the union of body and spirit.


💖 The Priestess of the Heart: You are the beacon of love, a healer of the heart. Through compassion and tenderness, you open the gateways of the soul, reminding us that love is the most powerful force in the universe.


The Magdalene is not just a title—it is a calling. A remembrance of your divine purpose, your sacred role as a priestess, and your commitment to awakening the feminine mysteries within and around you.


In this Masterclass, you will:

•⁠ ⁠Reconnect with the ancient wisdom of the Magdalene lineage

•⁠ ⁠Explore the sacred roles of the Magdalene priestess

•⁠ ⁠Awaken the gifts that lie dormant within you

•⁠ ⁠Embody your divine feminine power in all its forms


Are you ready to answer the call?


Join us, sister, in this transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.


I hope this message resonates with women who feel drawn to the mystical and sacred aspects of the Magdalene lineage, inviting you to explore your divine role as priestess.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

at 3 PM Eastern

Presented by Meg Williams,
Sacred Pleasure & Embodiment Teacher

Meg is  a woman’s Pleasure Coach and Sex Educator.  She is here to activate the Magdalene’s and the pleasure priestesses of the Goddess lineage. She teaches the sacred truth of sexuality, bringing women home to their source. From this remembrance, they open their channel to the Goddess, in alignment with their intuitive guidance (and GPS—great pussy in the sky) and reclaim a life of pleasure, turn on, joy and vitality.

Meg is a certified Holistic Life & Business Coach through the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy. As well as a certifying Pleasure Coach through Regena Thomashauers New York School of Womanly Arts. She is a Doula & Holistic Reproductive Practitioner.


She guides women through the teachings of sacred sexuality as a means to access their astral wisdom and divine guidance through spirit. Women are a channel of the Goddess, accessed through her womb connection. ​ In the past two years, she has worked with hundreds of women, in person and online from New Zealand, Australia, the UK, the US and Canada. She has witnessed this massive wave of empowered women stepping into such powerful, creative expressions of their TRUTH.

This 90 min workshop will cover








Testimonial from Alison Grace

Testimonial from the globally renowned Psychic Human Design Coach, Victoria Bond.


Victoria and I were led to each other by Mary Magdalene, both connecting with Mary in our work.  Another example of how our intuition and connection to the Divine leads us home to soul family.  

Victoria has worked with me in two programs, and is such a close sister to my heart.

She says, "your programs feel like home." and "I can't wait to dive into all your other programs."

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Image by Anthony DELANOIX

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