What you don't know, won't help you grow...
The understanding of sexuality that has been impressed upon you is flawed. It has failed in anchoring the understanding of the divinity and power that is inherent of the act.
You have been led to believe it is a realm you shouldn't explore, with shame and discomfort if you do.
Well, it's time you change that narrative.
Millenia ago, there were Temples and Priestesses teaching Men and Women of the depth, the intimacy, the Power of this practice as a tool for healing. This divine practice is a tool to connect with your purest, most full expression of Self. And so, it is the best place to begin your exploration.
Join me for these 3 months as we explore your core nature. Come to understand yourself, your personality, your body with more clarity. Come and make the unmentionable mentionable, and fall in love with your human again!
Come discover how to fully embrace the powerful woman you came here to be.

Advanced Sacred Sex:
The Sex Ed We Never Had
A 3-month Journey of Discovery
Starting the Third Week of January
What To Expect
Week 1:
7 Identifiers of Societal Conditioning
Discover where your beliefs around sexuality have come from.
Week 2:
Exploring All 5 Sexual Preferences
In a culture that is generally heterosexual, let's explore the 5 sexual preferences so we can better understand the relationships of human nature.
Week 3:
Expand Your Pleasure with your Erogenous Zones
Wondering how you can bring more pleasure into your life, whether with someone or solo?
Week 4:
All About Orgasms
Your belief of orgasms could gravely diminish and limit your experience. Let's look at the many different types.
Week 5:
The 9 Genital Profiles
How you look down there! How liberating would it be to KNOW how our anatomy looks is special to understanding our personality and way of loving?
Week 6:
Toys for Pleasure
Toys can feel good, add mystery, entice the senses, and develop intimacy and expand our experience. How can you find pleasure with toys?
Week 7:
Discover Your Erotic Blueprint
We all have different ways we think about sex. How can this better help us understand our partners, and ourselves?
3X Monthly 1:1 Astral Weaving Session
A psychotherapy-informed holistic practice. A session to uncover your alignment with your Goddess, your Highest Self. In this session uncover a programmed limiting belief that is operating and likely holding you back from a breakthrough.
Meet Your Teacher, Meg
Join expert Meg Williams, certified through Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching, specializing in Sacred Pleasure Practices & activating and aligning clients with the Divine Feminine Path to live a wholesome life, fully expressing who they came here to be!
A professional teacher of 10 + years, Advanced Yin Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and who integrates Energy Medicine into her teachings. You'll find the benefits of her modalities embedded through the embodiment practices within all her programs.

"Meg's expression of knowledge is like soul speech. It feels like she draws from the same Source as many of our mentors, and the taste is one of upliftment and unfoldment into our Greater Good."
— Jason, Colorado, USA

“Meg, never in my life have I had a Sister let me be witnessed without trying to fix me. I'm so so grateful.”
— Corrie, Alchemical Goddess
New Zealand

New Zealand
I’ve never been in a container like this before. The absolute level, I can’t even find the words, the level of security I felt coming into this container, especially in an online space, was not like anything I’ve known before. To create something so powerful in this online space. It’s completely fucking next level. It’s anchored in, I feel like I’d been at this fork, a bubbling of all things that want to come through me, and I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to go. And this container has really brought that clarity for me. And that level of safety, the level has majorly increased since this container...There’s so much work going on, and everyone is working so incredibly, with so much power around the world. I’ve never felt comfortable enough to be in any kind of space, let alone a huge group like this, to be myself. So thank you.

New Zealand
It’s been a huge movement through the 21 days. Its been amazing watching everyone unfold, and watching the petals blossom. It’s just been incredible, and I thank everyone of the ladies here because its’ allowed that space to feel vulnerable, that its a safe place to crumble and fall and let go and show that emotion. And from that to rebirth other things that are coming out of it, it’s just beautiful, and having that confidence to then step into a new realm, and that you’re safe to surrender and do so. It’s been really cool, and massive, and emotional. But great emotion. The tears are tears of joy, because you know you are siting through something. That luxury timeline to sit in something so painful, and enjoy it for what that process is of letting it go. So many new discoveries of me, and myself, and to be okay to go through these processes, then dance, and know that you’re going to be okay, and like ten fold. That what’s on the other side is so big, and beautiful. This is what life is, this is the essence, this what we are here for, this is our journey. I’m so grateful for the work you ladies have done to hold this space, it’s been amazing.

New Zealand
This is just a really powerful space. Those simple concepts you think you have down pact, but then when you get down into it, and allow yourself to feel into safety, it was so next level for me. I realized there was so much more to be explored, but in a really beautiful way. I’ve never felt so safe in my anger and rage, and it’s been so beautiful and powerful and let it all out, in a really safe way. ...And to be able to be vulnerable in a space of other really powerful women. My ego initially felt threatened, but when I broke through, it was just next level. Where was I not allowing myself to truly love myself. On the other side, there’s just so much more freedom. Knowing that I’m always supported, ...and when you are in those deep vulnerable spaces, you realize you are actually supported, I’m actually okay and being held and going to get through it. I don’t have to turn to distractions. This is just the foundations, of what we are stepping into.