My Background
Holistic Business and Life Coach, certified through the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching
Bachelor of Social Sciences; Major in Psychology
Bachelor of Education
11 yrs Elementary School Teacher
200 hr Yoga Teacher Training; Pavones Yoga Center, Costa Rica
500+ hrs yoga teaching experience
2 year studio owner of Laughing Falcon Yoga (until we closed to travel and teach online and globally)
Rainbow Kid's Yoga Certified
Advanced Yin & Meditation
Level 1 Qi Gong
The Science of Happiness; Berkeley University
Life Visioning with Michael Beckwith
Energy Medicine with Donna Eden & David Feinstein
Quantum Flow Certification with Juan Pablo Barahona
You are Limitless with Michael Beckwith & Panache Desai
Sacred Sexuality with Eliyah Tantra School
Tap into Infinite Abundance by Activating Enlightened Prosperity Consciousness with Michael Beckwith
Bahkti Chanting: Yoga of the Heart with Janet Stone
School of Awakening with Eckhart Tolle

My Mission Statement
I am a Teacher & Guide to a life of Love and Light.
I am here to witness you in your Highest Version of Self.
I am here to ignite your awareness of your own personal magic & power.
I am here to re-invoke your voice, if you have ever felt silenced.
I am here so you feel witnessed, supported, heard and completely recognized in your Being.
I work with the power of energy, the power that you have and always will have within you.
Through Yin Yoga I guide you to access energy shifts through Movement. You unlock blocked and stagnant energy from deep within the connective tissues & fascia. As you do this, you circulate this energy back into the flow of your meridian lines and improve your well-being.
Through Meditation & Breathwork I support you to establish the natural first response to slip into the parasympathetic system (rest & digest), instead of the sympathetic response of Survival. I help you to rewire the nervous system so that you're literally shifting the cellular structure in your body & reactivating dormant DNA and energy to uplift and elevate your conscious experience.
I also work deeply in groups with people, as I believe in the sacred experience of safe & supportive community, as well as the cumulative power of cohesive energy in a group.
Together, I integrate these modalities, as well as build accountability & discipline so that in these groups you can uncover lifelong blocks and limited beliefs. From here, you can find clarity of your purpose and step into the life of Love, Happiness & Balance that you so desire.
This is my mission. This is my soul purpose. From the sacred space of heart and soul, I commit my entire integrity to emanate and emancipate the Radiance of the Universe.
I hope you will join me on this Journey.

Business Bottom Line
I work to serve women who want to take action to align with their purpose. I work with women who choose to live aligned with their heart & soul, who want to live a dimensional lifestyle, who want to live in high vibration, as well as elevate the planetary vibration. I work with the magic makers of the planet, who are busting free of the old paradigm, and living the high def version of life!
My Purpose is to inspire others to step into heart and soul led living, whether this be in areas of Spirituality, Relationships, Business, Energy, Community or even aligning a healthy Ego state. Growth in one area expands to another!
The Prosperity of my business lies in the energy circulation I get to create. My family and I choose this heart led business structure because we believe in supporting what we want to see more of in this world. Our prosperity means we can support our world vision, we can circulate abundance to projects that will impact the views our community has on Modern Living; that we can all live in COMMUNION with our environment. We support eco-friendly sustainability projects, environmental conservation projects and start-ups working towards a healthier eco-system. On the other side of this business, my husband works in Permaculture & Design and builds sustainable homes.He is helping others build their sacred space in honour of the land they live on.
For the Planet, we support sustainable living, in regards to our relationships with one another, but also our capacity to live in communion with the Earth. We are nature ourselves, and can be living with this awareness.